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Depending on the type of business you operate, payroll could very well be your biggest expense, and possibly your most time-consuming task. But at what point does it make sense to outsource your payroll processing?

Here are three hints that it may be time to let a professional handle your payroll:

  1. Mistakes are being made – are you having to spend time correcting payroll errors?  Either with employee time entries or Canada Revenue Agency tax calculations?
  2. It’s taking up too much of your valuable time – Ask yourself these questions: What is my hourly rate and how long is my payroll taking to complete? What is the best use of my resources? Where are my specific talents best used for my business?
  3. Am I able to keep up with all 200 constantly changing payroll regulatory requirements – Is your company in the loop and able to remain compliant?

Making the decision to outsource your payroll will ensure it gets processed accurately, on-time, and can potentially save your company money!

Contact North Star Payroll for more info and to set up your free consultation today!

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